


離職祝福語英文在五句farewell同事的祝福說話 - Spencer Lam的討論與評價

With gratitude and thanks, hope our paths will cross in the future again! ... 懷著感恩之心,希望我們的路在未來再次相交! 雖然即將離職,但日後職場 ...

離職祝福語英文在同事離職祝福語英文 - 勵志人生網的討論與評價

3、Congratulations on your new job - good for you! While we will miss you and have fond memories of working with you, we wish you well and hope you attain all ...

離職祝福語英文在【江湖再見| 同事last day祝福語】 - Fortune Cookies的討論與評價

離職 、轉工是職業生涯必經階段,將來還有機會與同事江湖再見,同事離職時應該說什麽祝福語?以下是散水禮物的祝福語,希望這些Farewell金句為你的Last ...


    離職祝福語英文在外国同事要离职了,怎么用英语告别? - 翻译的討論與評價

    Saying goodbye to a true friend is really tough. But I bid you goodbye with the hope that we would meet again one day. ——. Thank you so much for everything you' ...

    離職祝福語英文在Farewell Letter(離職道別信)點寫好?的討論與評價

    I wish you all the very best. 我祝你們一切順利。 I wish all of you and ABC Company every success in the future. 我希望各位和ABC 公司在 ...

    離職祝福語英文在team farewell to colleague who is leaving 给离职同事的祝福语 ...的討論與評價


    離職祝福語英文在請問英文:一位外國同事離職祝福的話 - 討論區的討論與評價



    【職場英語】未來見!10大同事辭職Farewell祝福語 · 1/ Goodbye, and Godspeed! · 2/ Good luck, good health and goodbye. · 3/ I will keep my fingers ...

    離職祝福語英文在同事离职祝福语英文 - 健康跟著走的討論與評價

    God bless you. 神保佑你, team farewell to colleague who is leaving 给离职同事的祝福语英文_行政公文_工作范文_实用文档。1. I had mixed feelings when I learned of ...

    離職祝福語英文在[學習] 英文祝福詞 - Catherine's Open House - 痞客邦的討論與評價

    [學習] 英文祝福詞 ... 一般常用口語用法有: (I wish you) all the best! 祝您心想事成! I hope everything goes well. 希望一切進展順利。 I'll keep my fingers crossed ...

    離職祝福語英文的PTT 評價、討論一次看


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